Protein Almond Butter Cookies

Baked to perfection, these protein cookies are packed with protein and melted dark chocolate! Gluten free and vegan.


15 minutes


10 minutes


16 cookies
Recipe by: Lara Flannery

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3/4 Cup Forty Thieves Almond Butter (180g)
1/3 Cup maple syrup or honey (100g)
3 tbsp almond flour (30g)
2 tbsp tapioca flour (20g)
4 rounded tablespoons Two Islands Vanilla Protein Powder (50g)
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 Cup mini chocolate chips

Optional: Flaky salt


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the Almond Butter and maple syrup. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Sprinkle in your chocolate chips.The mixture may appear crumbly, but it should press together easily in your hands.
  3. Roll into 16 small balls (if not coming together, add 1-2 tbsp of water & mix well).
  4. Place each ball onto a lined baking tray and flatten each one slightly with your hands. Bake for 10 minutes until golden. Let cool before removing from the tray so they can firm up.
  5. Finally, sprinkle with some flaky salt! Keep them airtight in a container, or store them in the freezer to make them last longer.
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